We hope you are well and staying active and productive! As an essential service designated by the Florida Department of Heath we are here for you! While we are working on reduced hours and staff and adapting our routines and treatments for the health and safety of our patients and ourselves, we remain committed to being available to you as needed. Read below for information on how we are here for you with…Chiropractic care SupplementsNutrition ProductsMedical Marijuana Clinic on SaturdayWE HAVE HAND SANITIZER!Call ahead for curbsite pickup of some of Doc’s favorite immune boosters!Holistic Wellness provides services and products proven to support your immune system and response to threats:Chiropractic Care strengthens the immune system, improves sleep, reduces stress and anxiety.Nutrition guidance to keep your body healthy, strong, and resilientSupplements to strengthen your overall health, immune system, and mood.Infrared Sauna is great to reduce anxiety and stress, boost your immune system, pain management, and elevate your mood!Here are the steps we are taking to help to prevent infection and the spread of the virus.We are scheduling appointments one at a time and spaced apart for minimum contact.After each patient encounter, we are washing our hands with soap and water.We are routinely cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces such as; mats, treatment tables, sauna, exercise equipment, computer keyboard and mouse, pens, phones, light switches, door handles, faucets, etc.Our Medical Marijuana Clinic on Saturday is still on! Dr. Henry is available to come out to your car for your medical marijuana evaluations for those of you who may be immune compromised or do not feel comfortable coming into our facility. How you can help us maintain a safe environment for yourself and our patientsPlease take a minute to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer when you first walk inside.It is allergies season. When coughing and sneezing, cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – discard tissues immediately into a closed bin.Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed handsIf you have symptoms of any respiratory infection with no fever (e.g., cough, runny nose) please call ahead to reschedule your appointment.If you have a fever, please refrain from coming to the clinic until you have been fever-free for 3 days.