Kathy Carroll, Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist presents a FREE Class
Wednesday, July 28 at 5pm
Are you feeling anxious or having low energy?
Are you oncerned about Electromagnetic Radiation and 5G?
Are you experiencing any of these?:
– Health Challenges
– Fatigue
– Sleep Trouble
– DNA Damage
– Headaches or Concentration difficulties
– Immune System Imbalance
– Cancers
– Alzheimer’s

Come learn more from Kathy Carroll during this FREE educational class!
-Explore the Science & Dangers of EMFs
-Discover Simple, Easy Solutions to Remediate your home/office
Call us at 904.310.3950 or email [email protected] to reserveyour spot!
Kathy Carroll, the mother of two, always knew EMF’s that come from cell phones, laptops, smart meters and other devices could not be good for her children’s health and tried to avoid them. Then she discovered a way to fix those devices, so they were no longer harmful. Kathy is a Certified EMF specialist through EMF solutions who tests homes so others can find out how bad it is in their home and has reasonable solutions to fix it so everyone can sleep better at night.